Income Producing Activities

·October 22, 2018·Classes·3 min·

CITY INSIGHT HOUSTON   •   October 22, 2018

Homes for sale

Income-producing Activities-

Create And Contact Your Lists

The “Help List”

This is someone you don’t know but suspect you can help. You need 10 new leads to get in front of every single week to pitch your services. These people will go into your Help List.

The “Fight Club”

After your meeting with a “help list” lead, it takes 7-15 meetings to close a business deal. Push them to take action & “fight” to earn their business. Reach out to 15 people per week.

The “New Client/Current Client Conversation”

With the people in this category, you’ve closed a deal and money has changed hands. Reach out to them 5 times a week to stay top of mind for future deals/referrals.

The ”Promoters”

Promoters are past clients over 90 days. Continue to nourish this relationship. These people say good things about you when asked and will be good referrals.

The “Advocates”

Advocates are deep, meaningful relationships you’ve done business with. You should have 3-5 referrals from your top 25 advocates every 90 days.

**You should be calling your help list, fight club, new leads, current leads, new clients, promotors, and advocates every single week. These are income producing activities!!!!!

People of Influence Activities-

“Connector Meetings”

These are people you don’t know but need access to. Use your current database to connect with these people. One example of doing this is at a networking event. Reach out to 3 per week.

“Climber Meetings”

Someone who can’t buy today but is a hustler and will be ready to buy BIG in the future. Connect with them 3 times a week. When this person is ready to buy it will be a jackpot. This is a lifetime of their business.

“Someday People”

These people usually get filtered out. The timing was not right at the time but they will be ready to buy someday. You need to connect with “someday people” 3 times a week.


This person is an entrepreneur, business owner, a hustler or a go-getter. Spend time with people who are big thinkers and pick their brain about their business and how they got to where they are. Do this once a week. This will give you motivation and ideas about growing your own business.

“Aspirational Contacts”

Connect with these people 3 times a week. These people are big fish that will help you get 10-15 new contacts every 90 days to grow your business.

Person of Influencer Marketing-

**3 Types of Showcase Events**

  1. Networking Showcase Events: these are outside activities which you should attend 3 times a week.
  2. Speaking Showcase Events: this is getting in front of an audience between 10-30 people. Be the expert of something and educate someone. For example run a podcast, Facebook live, etc. Do this once a week.
  3. Advocate Showcase Event: this is for customer appreciation. An example of this would be to go out for cocktails, happy hour, or even host a bbq at your house. Do this once every quarter.

** Once A Week

Do a database blast. Alternate between different lists of people for valuable information. An example of this would be a newsletter/content for upcoming events, market trends, etc to stay top of mind.

*Must Do Marketing Activities (3x/day)



If you’re just starting out, this may seem like a lot to take in. Just remember to take it at your pace. The proper habits will flow naturally to you with practice and as you gain experience.

To your growth and success,

The team at City Insight Houston

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About Ruben Martinez

Thanks for visiting my page. I hope to educate Houstonians on Houston and the Houston market. To make sound decisions when purchasing, selling or leasing property in Houston Texas and surrounding areas.

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