Mental Toughness as a Realtor

The Mental Toughness You Need as a Real Estate Agent
In order to succeed you need constant optimisim, a great sense of competiveness, and grand need for achievement. The essential key to success in real estate is to continue your flow of prospects. Prospecting is a practice you must stay doing or you will fall behind from those other agents that are ore hungry than you and win your leads. The market is huge and fair so this wont nessesarly happen, it is just so you can have a sense of urgency.
At the end of the day, everyone needs a place to live and the majority see the value of investing, let them know you are the person to go to. Stay prospecting, if its because you are mentally tough but just do not know what else to do, here a list of 101 things you can do to prospect.
The activity of prospecting creates lots of adversary. There will be roadblocks and tons of rejections along the way. Just must know that it is okay, you are doing excellent. Just think of the top athletes or most successful characters you know. What separates them is not just about practicing, this is not what creates their success. What does create their success is the mental toughness and ability to stay focused.
With each rejection, you grow closer to a great prospect ready to use your services. Mentors are everywhere and here also at City Insight Houston are here to help you through this. Mentors can also come in the shape of books. A book we recommend and the inspiration for this article is Fanatical Prospecting by Jeb Blount.
The conclusion from part of what Jeb says that stuck and hope it sticks with you is the Four Mental Pillars for Toughness in Sales. Let us go through each one and what they mean for you.
Pillar 1: Desire
- You must want this. Remember the reason why you started going into real estate and the people you think of when this question comes to the surface.
- Desire creates action and then momentum. You will become unstoppable. Keep that fire going inside of you.
Pillar 2: Mental Resilience
- 聽No matter how many rejections you get, know that those rejections were because of you. Everyone lives in their own world and when you disrupt that world majority of the time they will act defensively. It is how we have been conditioned to act since the caveman era, it is a defense mechanism we have learned.
- Learn how to read those responses and breakdown their defense. Remember they are not rejecting you, it is their mind process that needs to understand you are there to help.
- Say things that will disrupt that defensive mechanism like, “I totally understand you are busy….. (change this to something Jeb says)
Pillar 3: Always stay learning
- The world keeps changing it is just how it works. Without change, there will be no advancement. And what is life without constantly learning new things, this is what we as humans were born to do.
- Always continue your education so you will not fall behind.
- Read or listen to a simple audiobook on your spare time or make the time for them in between routine activities. Studies show that those who keep learning are the most successful.
Pillar 4: Physical Resilience
- You have to stay healthy and fit. Good health creates more wealth. Your brain and body will act their best in life and through each task you go through.
- A tired and unhealthy body cannot think and act enough to be a peak success.
We have to make an intense effor to always continue to better ourselves and our knowledge. We have to continue having a strong mentality and great attitude, we have to continue learning and growing strong. The moment we start slacking we fall behind on the opportunities that were us for the taking. Use the concept of these pillars to contunue reaching your success, goals, and dreams. You can do this we believe in you and believe in your self.
We hope you find this useful and that the tips we provided bring you as much success as we have had when it comes to staying mentally tough through it all. Think we missed something? Please let us know your thoughts or any other tips we might have missed in the comments. Above all, to your growth and success.
The Team at City Insight Houston.