Top must have tools for real estate agents
Top tools for Business Owners, Real Estate Agents and Entrepreneurs!

Some firms would call this technology offered to Houston Realtor as in extra incentive as to why you should join their firm. But most of the tools offered are tools available to everyone.
Lead Generation
Every good agent should be using a Costumer Relationship Management tool of some sort or CRM to keep track of their clients and network. If you have a new smart phone, your contacts can work as a CRM. This however may not be as visually appealing to the work part of your brain. You can google top CRM software and you will come across a list of CRMs available. I personally use Hubspot. I can not speak for the rest of the team, but Hubspot makes it very simple. You have a dashboard for all your contacts and through their individual profile you can email, call, record a call, leave notes, and schedule meetings. Plus, it is very compatible with useful tools to integrate later on, trust me. It also offered way more marketing tools for free and they also have a premium that includes all types of awesome analytics and in depth marketing tools but we won’t go there just yet. Another free feature is a tracker to see if your clients are visiting your site. The key here is not about what the best CRM available today is but how you will use that data to keep all of the data you are receiving organized. How will you use that data?
Email Campaigns
Yes! You still have to use Email Campaigns. Every good real estate agent has created a huge email list and campaigns they keep relevant and available. Like a good CRM, email campaigns are also free to set up with free software tools. For example, I personally use Mailchimp. It’s a free tool that creates a list of new clients and contacts that have authorized me to have client emails and send them email updates. The tools to capture leads are simple. Check them out here: – Join The Team – (join the team is linked to the email list link). You can categorize your list to send targeted emails, automate your emails, intergrate it with Hubspot to capture all the data in your CRM so you are updated with every contact. They also offer retargeting ads but we’ll get into that later.
Landing Pages
A landing page is a simple page that uses visuals with a message that would compel someone to sign up for your services. That form would capture the lead from the landing page and transfer that data into your CRM or Email campaign. Mailchimp offers landing page templates for free. I use WordPress to create them using my Lead generating landing page method seen here – Join Us landing page.
Agent Website
Being a member of HAR in Houston has many advantages. As an agent, one of the perks is an agent dedicated website with more domain authority and a strong SEO pointing back to your website site given to you by HAR. The site being offered to you is nice but no one tells you what to do with it after it’s done. So the site sits there and collects dust and if you do get some traffic, where is that traffic going and what can you do to change how your clients utilize your website. My free realtor site
Agent automated marketing
Look at every real estate marketing ad anywhere. Most of the time its a picture of a house no one can really afford with the caption, “Wouldn’t you love your kitchen to look like this?” This generic ad is what most places are offering their agents as an incentive. Instead of using something so generic, learn automation and make your valuable content do the marketing for you.
The difference
At City insight Houston, Agents get all that plus more. Take the next step forward to integrate your CRM with your email campaign. Strategically set up your landing page for more conversions. Fill up your lead funnel. Go through the nurture campaign to stay on top of your clients minds as they are ready to use your services. The difference is building a concrete platform in order to keep those leads.