What type of property are you looking for?

(e.g., single-family home, condo, townhouse, commercial property)

What is your preferred location(s)?

Please list any specific neighborhoods, areas, or geographical considerations (e.g., proximity to schools, work, amenities).

What is your budget range?

Having a clear idea of your budget will help us identify properties that match your financial criteria.

What are your must-have features and amenities?

e.g., number of bedrooms and bathrooms, outdoor space, garage, pool)

What are your preferred timeline and urgency for purchasing a property?

Understanding your timeline helps us prioritize and tailor our search.

Are there any deal-breakers or features you specifically want to avoid in your property search?

Have you been pre-approved for a mortgage?

If yes, please provide the approved amount. If not, would you like recommendations for mortgage brokers or financial institutions?)

Let's begin!